3 thoughts on “Trudging

  1. Dear Edward, Thanks for the “trudging” episode; back drop scenery looks spectacular and your photographs very atmospheric. I can imagine the cow having a dump in the street being the source of endless fun for the boys! Thanks also for the close-up of the feet; looks like a nasty case of trench foot to me !! Just console your self with the thought that you’ll soon be out and away from this place. Think of the poor sods who were born and bre d in the hole and likely to end up in it at the end!!

    I suppose it’s good to have a bottom layer to your experiences so that you have a reference point against which all others may be compared. Not much consolation, but,maybe, a conversation topic for later discussions back in civilisation.

    Good news is the progress you seem to be making with the boys, especially little one. Just one small extra piece of advice—— not unique to me but held in high esteem by many better at this stuff——having established a code of conduct be sure to maintain it in every event ; no compromise, argument dissent or whatever ; be obviously consistent and unswerving. Kids like a defined wall to lean on and resent and rebel violently against variety in such judgements. Remember, the number one rule is that your rule is always right and not up for negotiation or appeal. Be really tough; it’s easy to come back from this position than trying to step up the discipline from a softer standpoint. Get it wrong ——heavy stick !! Get it right —— juicy carrot !!

    I’ve just read your latest epistle and ,although the odd relapse seems to have occurred, am fully supportive of your attempts to stick it out. The alternatives just don’t bear thinking about !!

    Look after yourself and be strong !!

    Cheers, Clive



  2. Oh dear Edward. Not a good day, but at least we know that you are now clean, dry and comfortable in Vientane. Now I know where Vang Vieng is so I can make sure I avoid it if i’m ever in Laos. I hope all the cuts,scrapes and bruises are on the mend.


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